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Knowledge transfer within WBC HEIs about the MCPB module implementation

Knowledge transfer within WBC HEIs about the MCPB module implementation

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “ProBLeMS” at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zenica, a training was held from June 10th to 13th, 2024, focusing on the knowledge transfer of MCPB modules among higher education institutions within the Western Balkans countries. The workshop facilitated the exchange of ideas and experiences regarding the creation of MCPB modules in Medical Statistics as well as preclinical and clinical subjects. Also, project working group meetings were conducted. Additionally, during this period, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zenica organized the fourth annual summer school titled “Healthy Aging Challenges in WB“ which had participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Albania, Poland, Denmark, and the United States. During the lectures to the participants of the summer school, were presented activities and goals of the “ProBLeMS” project.



Title Ensuring the sustainability of project results
Description The sustainability of the project results will enable an increase in the overall societal stakeholders. impact of the project. The sustainability of the project results will be enabled in several ways.

Sustainability of project results will be enabled by adequate communication, which will be crucially aimed at strengthening the dissemination and visibility of project results and achieving the greatest possible impact and sustainability. Activities in this direction will be implemented during the project, but will continue after its completion, in order to promote the subject and results of the project at the faculty, university, education system and national level, among teaching staff, current students, future students, local communities, health care institutions, employers, policy makers - decision makers, civil society organizations and citizens in general.

In communication with the subjects from the health sector, the benefit that the health system and society as a whole receive by implementing a new learning model will be especially emphasized. In this segment, a special role will be played by two institutions involved in the project as sector representative institutions - IPHM and UBISRS.

Confirmation of the importance of the application of the MCPB module through the publication of project results (through task 5.1.) will be the basis for the sustainability of project results in the scientific community.

Probably the most important element of sustainability will be the continuation of education according to the improved curricula (adopted in Task 5.2) at the partner WBC HEIs and the continuation of the expansion of the new learning model in other courses.

The proposals and guidelines that the project team will provide in the Final project document with recommendations and which will be submitted to all relevant stakeholders in the field of higher education will result in further expansion of implementation of metacognitive problem-based modules in courses in various fields of education which will be the final proof of the sustainability capacity of this project.

A key segment of sustainability will be patients who will be treated by doctors trained in the new learning model to recognize the disease faster but also to adequately treat or prevent it.

Title Creation of the Final project document with recommendations for the development and implementation of MCPB modules
Description It includes work on creation a document titled Final project document with recommendations in which the project team, based on the results of testing of MCPB modules in a real environment WBC HEIs and Analysis of the potential of MCPB modules, define guidelines and proposals for further implementation and development of MCPB modules as a new learning model. Both in medical education and in other areas of education. The document will clearly define the benefits of implementing the new learning model as well as the capacity of WBC HEIs to implement and develop this learning model in the future.

An important part of the Final project document with recommendations will be a proposal of measures that will relate to the educational community of WBC HEIs and which will contain proposals for the use of new knowledge in practice and for their monitoring and development in the future.
The Final project document with recommendations will be delivered to all partners, decision makers in the field of education and the competent state authorities in each of the WBC.

The Final project document with recommendations is the basis for further expansion of the new learning model using MCPB modules in the teaching processes of different HEIs and will be an important element of the concept of sustainability project result.

Title Analysis of the potential of MCPB module application in other courses
Description This project plans to implement a new learning model in at least 2 courses on each of the 6 WBC HEIs. However, the capacities of the new learning model have great potential for application in all blended learning courses. Based on the output results of the project (which will confirm the effects of the new learning model in selected courses), an analysis is conducted of the application of this model in other medical courses at WBC HEIs, as well as the possibility and capacity of WBC HEIs to implement MCPB modules in courses in other fields.

This Task will test the capacity of WBC HEIs for further independent application and development of a new learning model, using the knowledge gained in the implementation of this project.

The results of the analysis in this Task will directly indicate the level of knowledge acquired from WBC HEIs, but also the capacity for sustainability of project results after its completion.

Title Adoption of Improved curriculum of selected courses in WBC HEIs
Description In accordance with the Curriculum Amendment Proposal created in WP2, administrative procedures are completed and all WBC HEIs adopt these proposals. Thus, the new learning model becomes an integral part of the curriculum of selected medical courses at WBC HEIs. The proposals will be adopted successively, first in HEIs, which were the first to start implementing a new learning model.

This meets the requirement of the Erasmus + call that changes in curricula must be verified before the end of the project.

Title Confirmation of the importance of the application of the MCPB module through the publication of project results
Description It will be implemented through two segments, through the publication of results in international scientific and professional journals from the ISI list, as well as through the announcement of results at conferences. The results of the project and the importance of applying the new learning model for strengthening the capacity of doctors knowledge in the future and the applicability of that knowledge in practice will be presented to the academic and wider community at an international conference. The project team will co-organize a conference with relevant associations of doctors.

This Task represents the main segment of dissemination of project results in the scientific and professional community. It also ensures an increase in the impact of the Project and the sustainability of its results.

Description Impact and dissemination: Introducing a new learning model in the WBC HEIs curricula and achieving the required level of sustainability of project results and their impact on the improvement of the teaching process in the future
Title Upgrade of implemented MCPB modules
Description Based on the experiences of teaching staff, administrative staff, WGs, sector representative institution and students' observations, the MCPB module will be upgraded, with the aim of achieving the best possible output results for both HEIs and societal stakeholders.

The completion of this sub-activity does not end the duration of the courses, they are implemented and their use continues. As with the implementation of the MCPB module (WP3 T3.4) we start in the 12 month of the project and then we start with the implementation of a new learning model that lasts until the end of this subactivity (WP4 T4.4). This means that the new teaching model will start during the project and will last 18 months (12 months T3.4 and 6 months T4.4), i.e. half the project duration, thus fulfilling the requirement in the project call that in the implementation and monitoring of project activities curricula and programs must start during the project and last at least 1/3 of the project.

Title Analysis of the obtained results of monitored outcomes
Description The following is carried out: exploration and description of data, statistical inference (interval evaluation and testing of hypotheses), modelling of examined variables, tabular and graphical presentation of statistical analysis results, and preparation of project results for publication.

The results of this task will be used to upgrade the module, promote and disseminate the result of the project, strengthen the impact and increase sustainability.

Title Measurement of primary, secondary and tertiary outcomes
Description Through the primary outcomes, the achieved number of points on the implemented MCPB modules and colloquia during classes will be monitored.

The number of points on the tests from the practical and theoretical part of the exam, the total number of points achieved and the final grade for each of the subjects will be monitored through secondary outcomes.

Tertiary outcomes will monitor the results of retention of knowledge acquired through the learning process, at least 6 months after the end of the course.

Title Database creation
Description The database is created according to the principle of minimization, and during the statistical analysis, the principles of pseudonymization and encryption of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Data Protection Act 2018, p.12) will be applied. The data will be entered in a pre-prepared online form.
Description Analysis of results, upgrading of implemented MCPB modules: Adaptation and upgrade of implemented MCPB modules in accordance with the analysis of achieved results in the monitored outcomes
Title Creating MCPB modules - combining conceptual, software and design solutions
Description In this task, the selected conceptual solution is combined with software and design solutions into functional MCPB modules.

This is the most complex segment of the project because it involves the implementation of a large number of solutions in MCPB modules for different courses in different medical fields.

This task is also crucial from the aspect of control, and for that it must pay special attention to quality control and the reporting process.

The Task product are created MCPB modules. Their quality control is carried out so that they could be applied in work with students. By testing the stability of the created MCPB modules in real-time use, the final assessment of the MCPB module is performed and all observed irregularities are corrected before the start of implementation.

During the development of the MCPB module, the language harmonization of the MCPB module will be performed in accordance with the needs of the partner WBC HEIs.

Title Implementation of MCPB modules in selected courses
Description After the development of the MCPB module, successive implementation in selected courses is carried out. Within each of the selected courses, several MCPB modules will be implemented, in accordance with the curriculum of each subject separately.

Different MCPB modules for different courses (fields of medicine) will first be implemented at UES, and then expanded through the partner network of WBC HEIs formed within this project.

After the implementation of MCPB modules in the first HEI, by sharing knowledge of project team members as a whole and within WGs and transferring experience in work and achieved levels of application of MCPB modules, uniformity of implementation of each module in all WBC HEIs will be achieved.

Each of the WBC HEIs will host at least one meeting to discuss the current level of implementation of the new learning model and define guidelines for further work.

Title Development of software and design solutions for MCPB modules
Description Conceptual solutions selected for implementation in MCPB modules are submitted to professionals who initiate the development of software and design solutions that will be used to transfer the ideas of teachers within the MCPB modules.

As this task means narrowly specialized knowledge and application of a large number of software and design solutions, persons who possess this knowledge and skills will be engaged for these activities. As the project plans the application of the MCPB module in medical sciences, it is unrealistic to expect that level of necessary knowledge from doctors.

Teaching staff in this task monitor whether the development of software and design solutions meets the needs of the teaching process.

Title Creation of conceptual solutions for MCPB modules
Description The teaching staff of WBC HEIs has adopted all the necessary knowledge and approaches to design innovative and creative solutions that should be implemented in MCPB modules.

Based on their professional experience in the field of medicine, but also experience in the field of education, teachers approach the creation of ideas that need to be implemented MCPB modules for courses in the subjects in which they teach.

WGs in which teachers from different WBC HEIs participate, which are connected by the affiliation to the same medical field, brings together the best ideas and submits a PSC proposal for the selection of the best ideas. PSC chooses the best conceptual solutions. Teachers are informed in each of the WBC HEIs where conceptual solutions have been selected.

Description Development and implementation of MCPB modules: Train WBC HEIs staff to implement the teaching process by creating and using MCPB modules. Improve the learning model in WBC HEIs through the creation and implementation of a new learning model based on MCPB modules
Title Harmonize the conditions in the WBC HEIs for the application of the MCPB module
Description After acquiring knowledge through the trainer training process, WBC HEIs teaching staff gained a complete insight into the application capacities of the MCPB module in the learning process. Accordingly, the project team members will harmonize the application models of the MCPB module. A model for the selection of courses for the application of the MCPB module will be determined. In accordance with the curriculum, each of the partner HEIs will select courses (selected SC courses - at least 2 in each WBC HEIs) within which the MCPB modules will be implemented. The harmonization of courses will be performed by the PSC, and the control of harmonization and fulfilment of conditions for the implementation of the new learning model will be carried out by LCs and WGs with the teaching staff of the selected courses.

Based on the acquired knowledge, proposals for curriculum improvement in WBC HEIs are prepared. Each proposal will include the application of a new learning model using the MCPB module.

In accordance with the experience and recommendations of the EU HEIs, an integral part of harmonization will be reaching the necessary level of technical and IT equipment in each WBC HEIs, so that MCPB modules can be implemented. This includes putting the purchased equipment into operation and establishing its working capacity.

The implementation of all sub-activities of WP2 creates preconditions for the development and implementation of MCPB modules.

Title Knowledge transfer from EU HEIs to WBC HEIs
Description The project team, consisting of selected representatives of WBC HEIs, will visit partner EU HEIs. Through the presentation of the application of the MCPB module in blended learning courses, they will gain direct insight into the degree of improvement of the learning process.

Three visits to EU partners will be organized, during which trainings of teaching staff and administrative and technical staff of WBC HEIs will be conducted (training of future trainers). During the visit to the partner EU HEIs, the staff of WBC HEIs will be acquainted with the necessary capacities that need to be established in the parent WBC HEIs in order for the MCPB modules to be implemented.

The first visit is organized in UoB, and will include training of trainers for teaching staff and training of trainers for administrative and technical staff. After the first visit, WBC HEIs staff will be able to start with the harmonization of conditions between HEIs for the implementation of the MCPB module.

The second training of trainers will be conducted in MUI. In this HEI training of trainers (teaching staff) WBC HEIs will be conducted in the field of application of new learning models in basic medical fields and in certain clinical fields. A special part of the training will be conducted at the University Clinic of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine in Innsbruck.

The third training of trainers will be organized in UoB. The application of new learning models in second group of the clinical medical fields will be especially discussed at this training.

Upon completion of all study visits, as part of this activity, WBC HEIs staff will acquire all the necessary knowledge necessary to conduct a further training process upon return to their HEIs. They will complete the knowledge for the creation, design and implementation of MCPB modules.

Staff trained in the process of training of trainers will transfer knowledge and organize trainings for the use of the new learning model in their WBC HEIs. Training of teaching and technical-administrative staff within WBC HEIs will be conducted. This achieves further knowledge transfer to all staff within WBC HEIs, which is necessary for the implementation of the MCPB module as a new learning model.

Title Analyse the conditions in WBC HEIs for the implementation of MCPB modules
Description Checking and assessing the current situation in terms of equipment necessary for the implementation of the project and training of teaching and administrative staff for the implementation of MCPB in WBC HEIs. The existence of adequacy of technical and information and communication capacities for setting courses with MCPB modules will be checked. The needs of WBC HEIs to reach the required level of necessary equipment will be determined.

This Task is the basis for adequate planning of the entire WP2, but also for the implementation of the project as a whole.

Description Creation of conditions for the MCPB modules application: Knowledge transfer from EU HEIs to WBC HEIs and creation of conditions for the implementation of MCPB modules in WBC HEIs
Title Reporting – Progress reports and final report
Description Without adequate reporting, the capacities of quality control and the course of implementation of project activities have been narrowed. A two-level reporting system will be created with this in mind, as well as the extremely great importance of reporting for adequate project management. Reporting will be conducted continuously throughout the project. WP leaders will report continuously on the implementation of project activities during the implementation of the WP, for which they are in charge, at least once during the work package, and at least once in 6 months if the package lasts longer. Following the same model, all partners will submit reports for the activities in which they participate. Special implementation reports will be submitted by the local coordinators in each HEIs (LCs) and the WGs coordinators. QAC will also provide its reports through the quality control process.

Based on all reports, periodic reports will be created during the project, and a Final Report at the end of the project. After the reports are prepared, they are submitted to the PSC for consideration and then to the PCB for adoption.

All reports will be posted on the site in a special section related to reporting and will be available to the EACEA and the public for review immediately upon adoption.

Upon completion of the EACEA project, a Final Report (FR) will be submitted with the final results of the project, information and a report on the funds spent and assets spent, the contribution of each project participant and proposed measures to achieve sustainable project results.

Title Project control and evaluation (quality control, monitoring, evaluation)
Description PBC will form a QAC that will analyse all received reports and make decisions based on them, which will be submitted by PCS and PBC. Based on the QAC proposal, PBC will adopt a Quality Control Plan in the ProBLeMS project and submit it to all project stakeholders.

Monitoring of the process of implementation of project activities and evaluation of success will be based on two cycles of evaluation, specifically Formative evaluation and Summative evaluation. The formative evaluation involves testing the validity of the implementation of project activities during the project and provides an opportunity to identify and correct possible errors. A positive assessment of formative evaluations is a condition for the continuation of project activities. Student satisfaction with the new learning model will also be assessed through a formative evaluation. The Summative evaluation includes summarizing the results of the formative evaluations and determining the fulfilment of the methodological and technical components of the project as a whole. It will answer the question of whether the set specific goals of the project have been achieved. The entire evaluation process will be the basis for the correction and upgrade of project activities.

QAC conducts internal controls-audits of the implementation of project activities and reports to the PSC and PBC. During the project, QAC will continuously perform quality control, and project activities will be monitored through a multi-stage evaluation. QAC will monitor and supervise the quality of all phases and activities of the project. The QAC will review and adopt project quality standards and procedures.

Title Financial management
Description Financial resources will be managed to the highest standards, and all partners should provide the necessary input to the project coordinating institution (UES).

The instructions on the implementation of project activities of the ProBLeMS project will contain a guide on financial management and all the elements necessary for quality management of data on financial flows. This guidance will be provided to all project stakeholders affecting financial flows. Record keeping, data storage and reporting in the financial segment will be harmonized between HEIs, which will enable more adequate implementation of financial obligations, as well as reporting on financial flows.

The control of the financial parameters of the project will be an integral part within the internal controls-audits that will be conducted by QAC.

Title Resource management
Description It will include the management of human and technical resources necessary for the implementation of the project.

Human resource management will be focused primarily on the transfer of knowledge of EU partners to the teaching staff of WBC HEIs, and then on strengthening the capacity of administrative and technical staff necessary for the implementation of learning through the MCPB module. Adequate human resource management will enable WBC HEIs to obtain teaching staff fully trained to design and implement the MCPB module, as a new learning concept. Also, WBC HEIs will have administrative staff trained to monitor teaching requirements with MCPB modules.

Management of technical resources will be aimed at creating conditions for the smooth application of the new learning concept, but also for its further development. Procurement of the necessary equipment for the implementation of the project in WBC HEIs will also be carried out. Procurement of equipment must result in the establishment of technical and information capacities that will be able to monitor the development of human resources capacity and which will, in addition to the implementation of project activities, enable further development and expansion of MCPB modules in knowledge acquisition. In order to increase the usability of equipment in WBC HEIs, the procurement of equipment will be carried out in the 1st year of the project - as soon as possible in accordance with local administrative rules.

Title Consortium team building, meetings, communication and coordination
Description A project consortium is formed, project management bodies are established with the aim of ensuring the maximum quality of project activities.

Organization of the administration – it will include defining and regulating the roles of all stakeholders in the project, competencies, harmonization of decision-making models, determining the authority and support, all with the aim of coordinated project implementation. The Project Consortium Board (PCB) will be formed first, which will then establish the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) at the first meeting. The PCB will have 4 meetings. The first (constitutive) in Foca and then once at the end of each project year in different HEIs. The PSC will have meetings whenever the PCB has them and 5 additional meetings.

At the first meeting of the PCB, the Instruction on the implementation of project activities will be adopted (which will contain all the necessary guides, plans, etc.) and the model of project quality control will be determined. Instructions on the implementation of project activities will include: project coordination plan, quality control plan, communication management guide, risk management guide, asset management guide - financial management, conflict resolution template to ensure effective project implementation with reports on administrative and financial management, etc.

Each of the WBC HEIs will select one person to be the local coordinator (LC) for the implementation of the MCPB module in that HEIs. LC will be the representative of WBC HEIs in PSC. WG for basic areas of medicine, WG for clinical areas of medicine, WG for preventive medicine and WG for Medical Statistics will be organized. WG coordinators will be appointed.

Modalities of contribution to the project by sector representative institutions will be defined.

As the project team has a complex structure, a system of communication, control and coordination between institutions and individuals will be created.

A project website will be created which, in addition to providing the public with the work on the project, will also have a role in disseminating the results, ensuring the visibility of the project, increasing the impact of the project, communication of participants, etc.

If the project is accepted, all Consortium member institutions will sign a contract with precisely defined obligations in accordance with the rules of the Erasmus + call and in accordance with the project proposal.

Overall management of project activities will include ongoing management and preparatory activities, minutes of meetings, project progress documentation, financial management, reporting and all other activities to ensure the smooth running of the project in each partner institution.

This activity will be implemented during the project duration. The project coordinator as the WP leader should ensure that all plans are observed as a basis for project management.

Description Project management and coordination: Adequate management of the organization and plan of implementation of project activities, in accordance with the general technological structure of the project (Work Breakdown Structure, WBS), in order to successfully achieve the set goals of the project